Brian is one of our training team who delivers our Emotional Intelligence, Unconscious Bias and Leadership Training. He is an organisational and coaching Psychologist. With over 20 years of experience working with people to identify pragmatic solutions for developing potential and effectiveness. Brian’s focus is on assisting people in building and managing highly effective relationships. His main areas are Leadership & Management & Personal Success and Change.

We believe in creating dramatically different, fun, innovative and engaging learning. We have a solution for any training need that involves interaction between people. We use professional actors and specialist trainers to really bring the experience of learning to life. We work hard to ensure all learning is embedded into your business delivering long term success and a more engaged team.

Thursday Jun 25, 2020
The Art of Listening
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
With face to face interaction almost impossible for many of us, we are all having to use virtual meeting rooms to meet up with colleagues. But has the art of listening suffered during a lockdown? In this podcast, Justin Smith-Essex speaks to Ed Clark around the art of listening and how despite digital barriers this skill is as important as ever.

Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Learning and Development in the new normal
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
In part 2 of our podcast on Learning & Development in the new normal, we look at how companies need to re-build team dynamics as employees either return to the office or from furlough. Darren Wingham speaks to Justin Smith-Essex around the training and support that should be provided.

Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Influencing in the New Normal - Part 7
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
In this final part of our 7 part series on the art of influencing in the new normal, we explore the challenge of how we influence away from the office and with many of our colleages, clients and stakeholders in different locations and unable to be face to face with them, what approach should we take. Justin Smith-Essex from ted Learning speaks to Matt Hayden.

Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Influencing in the New Normal - Part 6
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Scarcity is the last of our 6 principles of influencing and is covered in this podcast. Justin Smith-Essex speaks to Matt Hayden around what this means, and how we utilise this in the current climate.

Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Influencing in the New Normal - Part 5
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
In part 5 of our series on influencing in the new normal, we explore the need for authority in how we influence and how we can use this via digital methods given the challenge of being face to face. Matt Hayden talks us through this principle.

Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Influencing in the New Normal - Part 4
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Is it important to like someone you need to influence? No, but it helps! In this episode of our podcast series 'influencing in the new normal', we explore the need to find common ground with the people you meet and how this will help you influence them.

Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Influencing in the New Normal - Part 3
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
People rely on social cues from others on how to think, feel, and act in many situations. This is more difficult in the current climate where we aren't face to face and need to influence via a digital platform. In part 3 of our podcast series, we explore the principle of liking. Matt Hayden speaks to Justin Smith-Essex on what this means and looks like.

Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Learning and Development in the new normal
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
In part 1 of this two-part podcast, we explore the challenges facing employees and employers as lockdown eases and how a different type of training will be required for Managers to ensure anxiety and returning from furlough need to be managed.
Darren Wingham speaks to ted Learning MD Justin Smith-Essex on how training needs to be part of the new normal focus.

Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Influencing in the New Normal - Part 2
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
In part 2 of our 7 part series on influencing in the new normal, Justin Smith-Essex speaks to Matt Hayden and we explore 'commitment and consistency' which form part of Robert B. Cialdini principles of influence.

Monday Jun 22, 2020
Influencing in the New Normal - Part 1
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Influencing in the new normal will have a different look and feel. Face to face is replaced by screen to screen. Justin Smith-Essex, Group MD of ted Learning speaks to Matt Hayden one of our trainers around how we need to adapt our approach for the new normal. In this first episode, we explore what we mean by influencing and cover the first of the 6 principles, Reciprocity.

Monday Jun 22, 2020
Mental & Physical Wellbeing in the New Normal
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
n this podcast, Justin Smith-Essex, Group MD of ted Learning, speaks to Claire Morton about the benefits of mental health and wellbeing in the new normal and how we need to balance our physical and mental wellbeing.

Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Impact of Covid19 and the value of an Inclusive Workforce
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
In this podcast, Justin Smith-Essex, Group MD of ted Learning, speaks to Katherine Mount our Inclusion & Diversity expert trainer on the value of having an inclusive workforce both to the business and the
individual plus the impact COVID-19 might be having on creating an inclusive workforce.

Wednesday May 20, 2020
Emotional intelligence in the new normal
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Everyone keeps talking about the new normal and in this podcast, we are exploring the impact this has had on our emotions, and in particular our emotional intelligence. Justin Smith-Essex Group, MD of ted Learning, is joined by Brian Dannatt, one of ted's associate trainers and an expert in psychology and emotional intelligence.
About Brian Dannatt

Wednesday May 20, 2020
What have I learnt from Lockdown
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Wednesday May 20, 2020
There is much concern, and quite rightly so, about the potential negative impact of Covid-19 and the lockdown. In this podcast, we explore those concerns and ask ourselves "Is this also an opportunity to start to connect with what is really important".
Patrick Holtby - Director of Product & Delivery
Patrick has been part of the ted Learning team since soon after the business was formed. He has worked extensively within transport, manufacturing and pharmaceutical sectors as well as in hospitality.
His specialities for ted Learning include key behaviour skills such as personal effectiveness, customer service, handling conflict, and leadership and management development. Patrick has been instrumental in delivering many of our ILM Programmes and is a key ambassador in our business for delivering joined up, sustainable learning. He has an ILM Level 5 Excellent Trainer Award 2015 with The University of York.

Wednesday May 20, 2020
Managing Low Moods
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Patrick Holtby - Director of Product & Delivery
Patrick has been part of the ted Learning team since soon after the business was formed. He has worked extensively within transport, manufacturing and pharmaceutical sectors as well as in hospitality.
His specialities for ted Learning include key behaviour skills such as personal effectiveness, customer service, handling conflict, and leadership and management development. Patrick has been instrumental in delivering many of our ILM Programmes and is a key ambassador in our business for delivering joined up, sustainable learning. He has an ILM Level 5 Excellent Trainer Award 2015 with The University of York.